Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mochaccino anyone?

I am a big fan of coffee. The blog title says it all. Never been a fan of mocha..probably because the Starb's mocha drinks are not to my liking. Neslo okay je, sedap je minum tapi when it comes to mocha drinks from the coffee places ni macam tak syok pulak.

I have been drinking lattes and cappuccinos, and too many cups for my own good if I can say so. Reason being we have this buy one get one free coupon from Pacific Coffee here. Most of the time my officemate/s are game for coffee..hehe..memang geng. All we need to do is just show the coupon (they just have to see it, they do not keep it for environmental purposes or probably if collect banyak2 dari customers buat menyemak saje..hehe) and we'll get one cuppa free.

Due to the high intake of lattes and cappuccinos the past few weeks.. I became so bored drinking them..nescafe 3 in 1 that I brought from Msia dulu dah abis. Then I just saw this thing called Mochaccino at Pacific Coffee.. gave it a try... and....

the love affair with Pacific Coffee's mochaccino begins!

Sedap gile!!! Why didn't I try this before? Dang.. I only have a few weeks left..have to stock up/drink up as much as I can. I also got my buddies who were here for a visit hooked on the drink too! Yummy yummy.. bulat lagilah tummy...hehehe... Definitely the perfect cup of coffee for me... wheeeeee...


farita zainal said...

i nak mochaccino jugak!!! rugi tak minum when i was there :( patut minum everyday sampai muak :p

diana zainal said...

tulah pasal kak ita...never wanted to give it a try while u were here. sayang betul..

Shariz said...

bunyi macam sedap je mochaccino ni :) ada tak yg jual dalam peket punya. please bawak balik utk i...hehehe....

diana zainal said...

shariz: packet? takdelah..tulah i sedih jugak sebab baru discover this drink is yummy..