Sunday, January 03, 2010

Boleh ke tertinggal passport?

H- the saviour..hehe..

Bolehke? Can this actually happen to someone who packs her small luggage a few days before she takes off and made sure everything is in order much earlier on? It was the scariest experience I tell you. I was already in the Airport Express, and it was halfway reaching the airport. (This was during the Xmas break when I went home for 4 days).

And then while on the train, my mind started to wander off.. macam tetiba je I had flashbacks of things I did before that day. AND suddenly I had a vision of my hand going into this toiletry bag (where I keep my sewing kit, my plastic multipurpose locks, AND my passport) but I did not take my passport then because I didn' want to keep it in my handbag because it was still a few days before my scheduled flight.

Everything was all packed and ready on the day. Beriya iya turun office awal because I wanted to be early. Until, that flashback came to me ..and I realised that I do not have my passport with me. D-uh!!!! felt like knocking my head on the window tapi I still had extra time. Yang tak bestnya because I had to lug around my luggage (walaupun tak berat) tapi nak balik rumah jalan kaki dari One IFC tu and to come back.. aiyaiyai!

I just texted my H, my colleague to say how silly I was. And that text was not an SOS text. It was just a normal text to tell her I left my passport, that's all. And to my amazement she offered to go back to MY apartment and take it for me. She walked from the office (which is located at One IFC, where the Airport Express station is as well) to my apartment and came to Airport Express to deliver my passport. Thankful. That's all I can say at that time. I took the train back to One IFC and waited for H to come. And she did.. with my passport in her hand.

So thank you H. Serious tak sangka.. :) I am forever grateful.


NazLurve said...

omigod!! u... ishh ishh.. nasib kalau u hv to go back to ur apartment pun, still sempat. ish budak ni.. x sabar nak reach tanah air is it? huhuhu

diana zainal said...

masa tu i was soooo very blur.. tak tau pasal ape. luckily teringat masa dalam train tu.