Monday, January 11, 2010

Is it worth it?

Okay this entry has no relevance to my previous entry. That entry will be further elaborated in the near future.

Yesterday, I saw a Chanel travel palette. It’s complete with blusher, eyeshadow and (lip gloss if I am not mistaken)..something like the picture above. I don’t know if it’s worth to buy it because :

1. I use make up but not that much. Am also not a professional when it comes to decorating my face. Half the time I don’t even know which colour is suppose to go to which part of the eyelid so that it’ll have that smokey or non-smokey eye effect ( See! I don’t even know what look that I want to go for!)
Plus, when I got married even the make up artist complained that I don't have enough eyelid space ..bila letak warna tak nampak sangat pun..hohoho..jimat colour make artist tu.
2. It is expensive but probably not as expensive as in Malaysia because it’s at a discounted price.
3. I might just end up with using only the mirror! Hahaha.. yelah, dah make up pun tak terror.. what would I be doing with all the colours?

Now on to the more positive stuff:

1. I won’t get it at that price in Malaysia ( I am beginning to sound like that shopaholic character.. err, and I don’t like the sound of it)..haha..
2. Since it is a travel pack, the mirror is bigger than what you get from a compact powder.
3. It is a travel pack. So I may no longer need to carry all other make up stuff when I travel… Okay, not so sure about this one. But it’ll probably help me in becoming a light traveler.

Hmmm… what do you girls think? Should I or should I not? By the way, my make up palette from hantaran kawin haritu dah dua tahun dah tak habis-habis. Dah boleh buang dah because it’s passed its one year deadline.
Note: I heard that we should only keep our make up for a maximum of one year, termasukla lipstick and such.

Update: Jiwa raga tak tahan.. I bought it. And it was the one final, last, paling akhir (am I trying to defend my purchase here?) stock.
Good news is - takdela besar sangat as I imagined. And all the colours i likey, likey..yeah! Can also fit into my handbag..Good!


NazLurve said...

dont la waste ur money kalau u x pakai sangat. spend in on something else yang u sure2 guna. if setakat mirror tu.. ala, x pyh la nak spend on the Channel casing tu kan.. what la u!

p/s: anyway, how cheap is cheap? i dah ada CD travel set for my E tapi... i dont like the color.. beli sbb murah jugak.. cit! (talking about pembaziran..)

diana zainal said...

price tu nanti i PM you on FB..ehehe..
coloursnya syiok..semua ada kecuali lilac. sayang je lilac eyeshadow takde dalam tu. but all in all, it's allll right. :)

esah said...

buy!buy! glad you bought it. biar gembira sekarang dan menyesal kemudian..hehe

diana zainal said...

cik esah :you have a good saying going on there! It is still within reasonable expenditure. bak kata my friend kat atas tu after I told her the price..she said 'that is freaking cheap!'