Sunday, January 24, 2010

game for some roller coaster ride?

I overheard a few guys talking about the ride. They said it was nothing, they said it was just some kiddies ride compared to the rest. And we believed them, while trying our best to calm ourselves as we stepped closer to our 'kiddies' ride.

The place : Ocean Park Hong Kong
When : On a nice sunny (but cooling) Friday.
The culprit : Yune
The victim : Me ... Miss Sam found a nice spot for a glass of coke and popcorn while witnessing the two silly girls walking towards their doom.
The ride : The Mine Train

What we saw : Just a few loops so it was not supposed to be that bad.

What we experienced:
An out of body experience. My jantung went over my head for a few times. I could not scream due to the level of fright during the ride. ( well, at the same time thinking, 'what if my sunnies fall into the ocean?' (note : the ride was by the ledge and we can see the ocean as we scared ourselves shitless).

Was it worth it?
I seriously do not know. What I know is I shall never, ever go on those type of rides ever again! Happy to have done it but I would not have done so if not for Yune who suddenly added on to my scaredy-catness when she said.. I oso very scared now. What the hey? She was supposed to be the brave one.. apalaaaa!

Was it my first time riding a roller coaster?
Nope. I went to Genting a few years' back and I loved going on the Corkscrew..first time was super scary but I went on for another 2 times and was enjoyed the ride. Did not scream the 2nd and 3rd time.

What's the difference with this ride then?
Besides the fact that it is located at the ledge (the ocean is right down below it).. I guess I am just older now, therefore, I do not need all this heart pumping action thrill-a-majigy anymore. Phew!


NazLurve said...

bravo!! can't believe u went on that ride.. hehe. at this age, i dont think i can take up anymore roller coaster.. wakakakaka..

diana zainal said...

i know babes! i can't believe i did that as well. It was crazy! i mean, dulu buat rasa macam okay. kali ni buat rasa macam nak pengsan pun ada. btw, picture tu is gambar sebenar of how the ride looks like.