Friday, February 05, 2010

Tag and you're it!

I've been tagged by Shariz :) . Dan jawapannya adalah seperti berikut:

First time jumpa with ur hubby bila n kat mana?

Hmm..can't remember when exactly sebab we were in the same course, same Uni cuma in different classes. I knew more about him than just his name when we were the annual dinner committee, 2nd semester of our diploma course. Strictly as friends!

2. Love at first sight?
Nope! hehe..i dah cerita panjang lebar how we gotta know each other (the entry in conjunction with our 2nd wedding anniversary).

3. Who was he when the first time u meet him?
A stranger? hehe.. betulla, tak kenal pun sangat eventhough I knew he was taking the same course as I was.

4. How long did it take for him to ask u out on a date?
Errrrrrr.. I think we have to revise this question. How long did it take for me to ask him out on a date? Lamalah jugak sebab both of us were very different..he dated other girls, i dated other guys. Oh, and he is/was a shy person..hence, the revision of question above.

5. First dating place?
Hmm.. Guardian pharmacy Mahkota Parade ke (terpaksa la pergi as my excuse of going there was to buy Naz's cough syrup kan? Tak beli nanti buat malu je)? Tak ingat.. tapi yang i ingat, he woke up damn late! Grrr.. buat bengang je..memang suka tidur tau dia ni dari dulu sampai le sekarang..kekeke...

6. How did he propose?
OOOOO, this is a good one! I think he got all this whacky (but nice) ideas dari movies la..I mean, we already decided to get married, dah cari cincin merisik dah. Uncle pun dah kata ok. So one fine Saturday afternoon, he brought me to Italiannies (where our table had been nicely decorated with flowers la, candle la, card la)..and he proposed to me a la the western style (on bended knees i must say, the full package) ! haaaiii.. boleh tahan jugak anak bongsu kepada my parents in law ni..hehehe.. Pandai dia geng dengan manager restaurant tu to makes sure that everything was in place before we reached the place.

Cincin merisik tu pun ada kes. Will be storied-moried in a later date. Yang penting I ada 2 cincin merisik..hehe..ini kes orang tak reti apa-apa punya pasal.

7. Special Date with your hubby?
eh, tak boleh plural ke? it should be 14/2/2002 when we first got together. 31/1/2008 the day we got hitched. 2/2 - hehe..of course my birthday is an important date for the hubby.. betul tak?

8. Changes that he asked u to do?
For me to be more patient...hehe.. that is my ultimate weakness i must say.

9. What is it about him makes you love him so much?
Errr.. because he can withstand me? :)

10. What is it about him that u wish he would change?
Not much. he is getting more matured and very determined every single day :)

11. U will lose ur mind n crack ur head when he?
Aaaaaaaa... ini satu family tau..kekekeke...

12. U will smile through your eyes for the whole day when he?
When he sometimes make the most funniest (and naive) comment about something..

13. Complete this sentence.. 'My love towards my hubby is as big as..?
haaaa? boleh ke bagi analogy for this? I don't know.. I don't have an equipment to measure it by..hehee..

Who's next? Sape nak jawab silakan.. :)

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