Sunday, July 03, 2011

Plain White Tee(shirt)

Yeay..Sis in law brought something from her trip to Bandung the other day. Nasib muat..phew! I've never had a white t-shirt before. She bought somewhat a matching coloured t-shirt for hunny. Muahaha.. boleh jadi kembar jalan-jalan masa dating nanti..

Okay, most probably I have to wear a bib to cover the t-shirt when I eat or drink. Knowing me.. I am super clumsy for sure boleh tumpah-tumpah atas baju putih ni.. uwaa.. nasib masa kawin makan secara berhemah and did not have any stains on the wedding gown :) Clap clap clap!'s the t-shirt. Alhamdulillah rezeki :)

Thanks Kak Liza.. next time boleh bagi lagi...ekekkee...

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