
Replica.Tiruan.Tak ori.Fake goods.
I do not like to be tagged by people who sell fake goods on Facebook. I don’t condone purchasing of replica bags no matter what grade they are.. AA double A or A+ whatever. I believe that if I can’t afford to buy expensive handbags, means I won’t be able to have one. With no disrespect to others who actually do buy replicas.
It is just that I feel that there are so many nice things out there costing a few hundred ringgit. Tak kisahla if Elle ke, Guess ke, Charles & Keith ke, Vincci ke..I mean, you can buy this original handbags at the same price of a fake higher notch branded bags like Gucci, Prada,LV..yadda yadda yadaa.. Why do I say no to fake handbags?
1.Because from what I have read, those in the business of creating this fake goods – are in the same line as child trafficking (for prostitution). So in a way, when we buy the fake goods, the income is used to fund their other illegal business.
2. I just don’t use replica bags, purses, sunnies..etc. Kalau ada duit, beli original, takde duit cukup to buy ori, then no need to buy that brand at all. That’s my opinion.
3. Dari spend RM80-150 (thereabouts) for the replicas, you can get an original elle bag at RM120 especially during sales.
4. Fake bags are just not cool :p
Is it worth our hard-earned money to be owning but just a replica bag?
I am not sure about the build quality as long I can inspect them physically. Are you providing some guarantee on these replica bags.
Err..hi.. i'm not sure i get what you mean. Guarantee on the replica bags? No i don't provide any because i am not in the business of selling handbags. And I do not also buy replica handbags because I don't favour them, but to each his own. :)
Last week I have bought a Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas handbag for my wife, It quality is very good and prices are reasonable also.
err..ok..i still opt to go for the original handbags..but of course I still have a long way to go till my savings is sufficient for me to get my fave bag :) Again, to each his own.
Wow these bags are very nice. I liked it but i am looking for belt buckle for my new pair of jeans.I am not getting any fresh designs. Please provide some helpful information about belt buckles if anyone here has some ideas?
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