Monday, November 09, 2009

lampu lampi

owh i sangat suka dengan lampu depan that hunny chose for to place at the front gate. The contractors have installed all lighting stuff that he bought. Hunny's taste for the house boleh tahan jugak..even without me around. Kudos to you darl!

takde gambar sebab tak ambil, nanti tak surprise.. tak surprise untuk diri sendiri jugak sebenarnya sebab all those lightings are chosen by hunny. so I only know how they look like when I go back.

Tapi lampu neighbour selang dua buah rumah sama sebijik like ours. Siapa beli dulu?kekeke... Macam la the factory only produced one pair of those lamps..tapi yang kelakar tu memang sama sangat. Keciknya dunia.. :)

I also love the bathroom's lighting.. nice choice hunny! And also the lights that hunny chose to be installed (install ke?) into the ceiling.. (is it into the ceiling or inside?). It's square with engravings around it. Hard to imagine? Yeah, even harder for me to desribe how it looks like..hehe.. even tried googling the images but i can't seem to find it. either that or i am googling the wrong things.

A friend of mine has also seen the house with all the lightings done and with the plaster ceiling all ready. He said the house looks really nice. Thanks babe, nanti bila everything dah siap kita buat kenduri and makan2 kat rumah tu okay.

Okay, this makes me even more determined to work hard and not spend so much on things I want but don't need. hehehe.. yeah, lagi sikit je lagi. We can do it. Tinggal the kitchen, master bedroom and living room's furniture and MOT.

Erm, sikit lagi ke tu? tak jugak kan? it's okay.. where there is a will, there is a jalan.. where there is a jalan there is traffic jam.. hehe.. adeke?

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