Thursday, September 01, 2011

retail therapy..

Now I am grateful that I participated in the employee share option scheme (esos) when they offered my beginning of 2008.  Rupa-rupanya bila berhenti kerja we get all the dividends from all the years that I have accepted the share option scheme. Woo hoo!

Dengan bestnya I was excited to go on a retail therapy session..but of course after setting aside a portion for my own savings.  Alhamdulillah, rezeki lebih ni boleh share with my family and family kat kampung during kenits la confirm enjoy lebih dapat duit raya :)

So what did I get for myself? (Note: wanted to treat hunny as well but he was never in the mood to buy anything for himself until a few days before raya..bought him a sampin, 2 shirts and a shirt for ayah).

For me.. I got these..

 O, this is not actually part of my retail therapy but it is actually for my feet yang dah ada rekah-rekah. Kerja keras ke sebab selalu mop lantai ke jadi macam tu? Boo hoo hoo.. hope this thing works. I want to have happy feet! :)
 This I got for Raya to wear with my kurungs.  RM60 for 3 pieces at the Curve's bazaar tapi lepas tu kat Jalan Tar RM10 je for one. Okay a bit of rugi for me but who knew I would be rajin enough to follow my friends to Jln Tar kan? Kalau tau confirm tak beli dari Curve. Gave 1 piece to my SIL.
Last but not all time fave! Got it at Subang Parade..think it was on 40% discount. Berbaloi-baloi :) This pair, I keep in the grey car while the Marc Jacobs I keep in my myvi.  Senang bila keluar mata tidak silau :) yeay!

I also bought 2 pairs of sandals from Charles and Keith (like, like and superlike!).. same design but different colours. I find it hard to find heels that I can wear nowadays, so bila dah betul comfy, baik beli lebih sikit for future use.

And I bought a pair of cute black flats from Scholl for office use.  I guess this shopping spree makes up for the next few months since I will be very busy and hunny will have to go to his weekend classes again.

Retail therapy anyone?

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