Monday, April 22, 2013

Snail's pace of getting things done

Ok, I'm starting to scramble right now. Have not gone to recce the taskas or daycare centre for baby girl yet. Have not signed up for the ante-natal class yet. Have not purchased the breast pump.. I don't even know what breast pump I want to buy.

I wonder how it feels to break away from the baby and resume work while your 2 month plus baby is placed at a daycare centre everyday. Tiba-tiba out of topic. Uhuk uhuk! I'll cross the bridge when I reach it I think. Too early to be experiencing separation anxiety. Anyhoo, I keep on forgetting that we need to search for a daycare centre at our residential area. I stupidly did not book the spot at the office daycare centre thinking that later nanti ada space. All FULL. I'm on the waiting list.. which means, silalah cari taska lain ye madam! The only reason it's best to send the kiddo to the office daycare centre is so that if I go home late, I can bring her to the office (the centre closes around 6.30pm or so I think).

Have to make sure we find one before I explode. Really. We should.

Ante-natal class? I think I'll just register with DEMC for the class end of May. Too lazy to look around for others. Just want somewhere near to the house :)

I think I've become such a lazy bum these days. Boo hoo! Shopping pun tak suka apa kes? Luckily I've gotten baby girl some clothes for daily use and a few for jalan-jalan. My limit is - a dress or a pair of baju jalan should not be more than RM35. Kalau sampai RM40,50,60 tu memang I won't buy la. She's our first one but we need to budget for other expenses, i.e.: daycare, her monthly baby toiletteries, education fund ( fund sungguh..jangan masuk mama's shopping fund cukup) etc.

RM60 for the pink dress and the purple dress (dont know what it's called). RM22 for the tshirt and pants. All for  3 months and above although I do think the pink dress is way too big even for a 6month old baby. 

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