a lot have been going on lately.. we've moved into our new home .. (yeay!).. and managed to make it our own comfortable place to stay, bit by bit. You see, we don't have a lot of moolahs to start at a new place, and to even spend on lavish deco, not yet..and this house still in fact belongs to the bank, because we do still owe the bank a BOMB! and we're paying bit by bit.. slowly but surely, we'll get there.
okay, so have been trying to upload the pictures in here for a good few minutes and i dont see it working. this means i would have to resize them which means it is something that i will procrastinate and not do now..haha.. lazy bum me..
anyhow, we'll get to the house pictures sooner if not later :)
till then, have a good puasa month..take care of what you eat :)