Sunday, July 03, 2011

um-umm.. so GdoubleOD-Good!

one for dad-in-law
One for me :)

I have moved on from the perfumes sold at cosmetics department. To slightly cheaper ones but they smell o-so-good! Another reason is because the bottle can fit nicely into my make up pouch.

Harga quite okay.. for the small ones you can get for below RM100. I didn't quite like the perfumes sold at the Bodyshop dulu-dulu like what 6 years back? Dewberryla apela dalam botol dulu.. but now they have repackaged and changed to nicer smelling perfumes.

Bought a pressie for Ayah (father-in-law) because he liked the smell of the perfume that hunny wore the other day. While for myself.. i got another one..comel je botol dia. And i love the smell..yummy freshness :)

I'm trying to convince my sisters to switch to Bodyshop.. so probably you guys can give it a try :)

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